
Learning about sails.js one screencast at a time.

What the Heck Is activityOverlord and Why Should I Care?

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activityOverlord is a project I’m building to learn sails.js. The application currently has authentication, rights management, real-time presence, activity logging, and much more. This video is a brief look at the partially completed app.

The Transcript

Howdy and welcome to activityOverlord.

What the heck is activityOverlord.

It’s an example application that I’m building to try and learn sails.js and I thank everybody over at Balderdash Mike, Zoli, Cody and everybody that’s helped me figure out this application along the way.

I was going to have it fully fleshed out and then provide these screencasts all laid out and then I decided in the spirit of minimally viable development, instead I was going to get something out which has a fair built of functionality already, which I’ll show you in just a second and then produce screencasts as I go.

So, let’s take a look at the application. It’s using twitter bootstrap as far as styling and I’ll show you how to set-up all the assets to do that. We’re using a mongodb back-end database, I’m gonna show you how to do that, how to deploy this application.

Let’s go ahead and sign-in, so we’ve got user authentication, rights and policy management, you can tell that I’m an admin, so it’s giving me rights to the list of users as well as activities, pagination, a lot of different things that are going on.

Let’s look at the real-time side of things. I’m going to bring up another chrome instance. I’m going to log in as a different user so now it gave me a flash message, it updated my status as far as presence for this particular page in real-time, I can do things like delete Aimee Mann here and you can see that that’s been updated in my list here, there’s a ton of things to go over, I can’t wait to get started, I’ll see you in the next screencast which will start with really getting sails.js up and running.

See ya there.
