In episode 12 learn how to clone the activityOverlord project, install the necessary dependencies as well as tasks to get the application up and running from the github repository.
Building a Sails Application: Ep11 - Encrypting Passwords With Bcrypt.
In episode 11 you’ll start encrypting passwords with bcrypt.
Building a Sails Application: Ep10 - Changing Databases to mongoDB With Sails Adapters.
In episode 10 you’ll quickly switch out the applications underlying database to mongoDB with a few changes to the adapter configuration files.
Building a Sails Application: Ep9 - Deleting a User Account.
In episode 9 you’ll create a delete action and implement a best practices methodolgy using a form with a hidden input field for deleting a user account.
Building a Sails Application: Ep8 - Building an Admin Page.
In episode 8 you’ll prevent html from being run on user generated content, create a user administrative page as well as flesh out the index, edit, and update action.